TAAC has following Goals and Objectives to work towards and achieve with the help of everyone who is a member of this association.
- Promoting and facilitating diversity by supporting multiculturalism, equal rights for all communities including our Abdalians community here in Canada.
- Facilitating all Abdalians with their settling and normalization process in Canada while they integrate into Canadian society (socially and professionally).
- Providing best possible mentorship, training and overall guidance to Abdalian professionals in varying professional fields in Canada, Pakistan and Internationally.
- To support CCH, its current and past students and staff in social and relief activities.
- Fostering social relationships between Abdalian families and families of other communities in Canada and Pakistan.
- Collaborate and associate with other international Abdalian forums globally.
- Plan and organize community BBQ and social events for entertainment of members and their families. Support and participate in cross-cultural activities.
- Donate portion of funds generated after management committee approval to deserving organizations in Canada, deserving students in CCH and to any calamities in Canada or other countries.